The average house price on TIMBER HILL CLOSE is £848,961
The most expensive house in the street is TALL TIMBERS TIMBER HILL CLOSE with an estimated value of £1,251,569
The cheapest house in the street is KADEN TIMBER HILL CLOSE with an estimated value of £264,938
The house which was most recently sold was KADEN TIMBER HILL CLOSE, this sold on 31 Jul 2008 for £160,000
The postcode for TIMBER HILL CLOSE is KT16 0NA
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
HARLEQUIN TIMBER HILL CLOSE Detached £1,050,175 £185,000 1 Jun 1995
KADEN TIMBER HILL CLOSE Detached £264,938 £160,000 31 Jul 2008
TALL TIMBERS TIMBER HILL CLOSE Detached £1,251,569 £237,500 17 Apr 1997
THE SQUIRRELS TIMBER HILL CLOSE Terraced £829,165 £150,000 31 Oct 1996